
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Opinion Piece #2: Everyday I Love You

Hello again, and now with another quick update with Opinion Piece!
First of all I would like to wish all Christians a blessed Ash Wednesday!

Love is a hot topic among the younger generations and it so happens that today is Valentine's Day! I think I've wrote an entry about this day about exactly a year ago if I'm not mistaken. As for this edition, this will be an opinion about love and its significance to Valentine's Day.

Originally it is known as Saint Valentine's Day, observed on the 14th of February every year. The day serves as a celebration in many countries around the world.

The day is associated with Saint Valentine where the most popular martyrology was about him being imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and ministering to Christians who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. Before he was executed to death, he managed to heal the daughter of his jailer, and then wrote a letter "From your Valentine" as a farewell to her. Saint Valentine's Day is now an official feast day in the Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church, Eastern Orthodox Church (July 6th and 30th).

That's a bit of the history regarding Valentine's Day I picked off at Wikipedia. But then, what's that got to do with love? The day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. From the 15th century onwards, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for one another by presenting various gifts such as chocolates, flowers, greeting cards.

So, when does a person fall in love? It can happen in various forms. Some had that common love at first sight where the person had that strong special feeling the second he lays his eyes on her, or vice versa. Another situation is when you've fallen in love with someone whom you have known for a long time, like your best friend. You've grown up together with a childhood friend, your neighbour, the girl next door, whatever, then all you want was that chance to take her out for a date and let the rest do its job.

What is the extend to the length of love? Well, we usually hear married couples made their vows saying "till death to us part". Does that mean love is only up until death? Some believe it can go beyond that. Well, I'm not dead yet so who knows what lies beyond the horizon of death. Others may be short-lived, with couples going their separate ways just after a short special relationship due to unwanted problems that can't be avoided. Some may even fall out of love after loving someone for a significant amount of time.

In the old days, love and courtship happens among the young adults and that's acceptable in my point of view. However, nowadays even kids at the age of 12 or below may declare love for another person and indicated how serious they are! Although this is the case, we still say that when kids are in "love", it only means "puppy love" and there's nothing actually serious about it.

What is the effect of love? There are so many of them actually. Generally, I can say that when the person is totally in love, they can do many things with great effect and get awesome results. It's quite similar to the sensation you have when playing sports for example, you were feeling great and performed a great feat of skills. Sometimes, the effect is way better than when you're having "your day". Furthermore, you may have the feeling like you're the happiest person in the world.

As great as love can be, its adverse effects are quite big too. Almost as bad as its good part. Love changes a person's life, either for better or for worse. A broken heart may lead to such effects such as increased stress, depression, a lot of sleepless nights, lack of concentration, occurrence of bad habits (drinking, smoking, etc.) and a tendency of suicidal acts. To prevent such activities, some people handle their broken heart by spending more time with friends, do some exercises, play sports, and other healthy activities that help strengthen a person to get back on their feet.

Love is not limited to only that special someone, but to friends, as well as siblings, parents, and grandparents. God teaches us to "love your neighbour as you love yourself". Therefore, love is also a special feeling for the people close to you. I can't think of anyone else who have loved me as much as my parents and siblings do. It is good that we appreciate them for taking good care of us since we are brought into this world.

Moreover, in my experience, I'm sure some readers have read my love phases and the most recent Love Phase 9 following its conclusion at the end of All the New Same Things. So far in my 20 years of living, I've learnt a lot, and I have failed as much. Still, I consider love as one of the most beautiful feeling in the world. In fact, to me, love is not just a mere feeling, it is a choice.

To conclude this piece, I would like to wish everybody, Happy Valentine's Day! No matter what status you are in right now, as long as you have sincere love in your heart.

Take care and see you again in the next post~!

p/s to lovebirds: Everyday should be Valentine's day for you :)

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