
Monday, February 4, 2013


Finally, it's officially the end of my teenhood

Happy Birthday to me~!
Honestly speaking, I look so different now (I guess??!)
Maybe it's because I've decided to keep my hair longer
which is different from my initial choice of hairstyle (short hairstyle)

Oh well then.. here goes :)
some review of my life..
I'm the smallest one, obviously

I was around 2 :3

The Balah Tangah!(Half-parting) at age 12

15 years old

At 16, got a bit wild there

17, baby!

the peeps I used to hang out with :')

The following images, from ages 18 to 19



Of one thing both my brother and I share; talent for singing

When I was living my previous dream

At 18, I'm already at college

At 19, currently studying medicine while embedding this mohawk style

3 generations of the Kisseys

At this point, people were saying I looked like my dad

saying goodbye to 19~

I'm just like anybody else, missing my childhood and already starting to miss my teenhood.
I thank God for giving life to me and has allowed my life to have prolonged this far

To all the people I have met during the two decades of my life,
thanks for the friendship, the teachings, and the love
especially the two individual that has brought me up from the day I was born;
Mum and Dad


  1. You touch my heart son and thank you. Happy Birthday and we love u.

  2. Hi Zack.. It's been a while since we've seen or talk to each other, but you are always a dear friend to me.. I hope you have a wonderful 20th birthday.. :) God be with you.. xx

    1. Hi Yon! ya, lama btul sdh kta x berjumpa. hope u are doing well in whatever u are doing now. anyways, I feel the same way too; u are a dear friend. thanks and I will enjoy my birthday :D

  3. happy 20th birthday zac!good luck in ur studies!=)

    1. Thanks Lon! Good luck in ur studies as well :D

  4. Hi.. Boleh berkenalan??

  5. Zackkkkkkkk! :D
    I did tried to text you during your birthday but failed. Happy 20 years old buddy! <3
    With much love, Mc
