
Monday, August 8, 2011

What Does ALREADY ASIAN Think About: Boyce Avenue

music fills the soul,
without them, you'll have no soul.. that's why it fills you up till you get fat


so anyway, I was just browsing the net, went in to YouTube
to listen to musics.. and then I came across this band, to me, they're new though the band formed in 2004 according to Wikipedia.
from left: Alejandro, Daniel, and Fabian

Boyce Avenue! an American acoustic rock band with members featuring of the Manzano brothers; Alejandro, Daniel, and Fabian..

so, what do I think of them?
well, I've always been a fan of acoustic rock bands..
I say Boyce Avenue is great!

check out their YouTube channel, Facebook page, also their official site
subscribe them, like them, embrace their music :)

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