
Friday, February 17, 2012

KL Part *SPECIAL*: Climax

My time to end college draws near.. and NO, I'M NOT SPOILING anything for Part 4 and NO, THIS IS ALSO NOT PART 4. It's just a short post to say it out loud that, I've graduated from college! Now all that's left is the final semester exams which of course would be easy.. if I'm done with revision (-_-)...

First of all, I would like to express that this has been a long journey (though high school is much longer) but I've experienced and learnt a lot of things about college and personal life as well. Maybe because of that, I didn't have to time to blog at all! And it is obvious that instead of writing something else interesting in this blog, I'm only blogging about my life! I'll write more on it in the official end of the KL Part series.

Okay then, wishing myself all the luck. May God also be guiding me again like last semester.

p/s: Part 4 is currently in works. see ya~

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